MM's Testimonial

Proudly serving patients in Chicago, Highland Park, North Shore & nearby areas of Illinois

To Dr. Shapira: "Today I am enjoying the wonderful smells of spring flowers. It has been many many years since I have been able to do this. For about 50 years I have suffered from daily headaches of one kind to another. I have tried medicines, biofeedback, and just living with them. I had given up hope that I would ever have a headache free day. I was with my husband who has sleep apnea and snores. We visited Dr. S for him to obtain an apparatus to relieve these symptoms. At the appointment Dr S noticed that I had a headache. He treated me by spraying the sides of my face with a cold spray and had me bite on a wad of cotton gauze. I then saw Dr S for an appliance to stop the headaches. I had ground my teeth so much that my bite was incorrect and was causing the pain. Dr S gave me an appliance to correct the bite. It was to be worn at all times. It was so nice to feel good everyday! After a few months, Dr S and I decided that crowning the teeth to permanently correct my bite was a very good idea. Now with the new teeth my headaches are gone, my bite is correct, my smile sparkles and I am sleeping because my husband no longer snores. My life has really improved dramatically. I am so grateful for finding Dr S! 
